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  • 编织袋做法的方法
  • 本站编辑:杭州恒卓塑料包装有限公司发布日期:2019-05-08 08:47 浏览次数:

A very handy packaging plastic product, in how to improve production efficiency, has always been our every manufacturer in the continuous exploration of things and skills. So, do you all know how many kinds of woven bags are made?
The first is the old traditional manual sewing method, which is to cut the woven cloth by hand and then sew it with thread. This process was popular in the past and is mainly suitable for individual families to use with a small amount.
The second method is electric furnace wire bonding, in which the two ends of woven cloth are bonded by electric heating. This method of obtaining woven bags has been used for more than 60 years.
The third one is that the circular loom used at present is woven by automatic sewing, which is suitable for mass production in factories and has high efficiency.
The above three kinds of woven bags are well known to us. For more information, please refer to: http://www.hzhzslbz.com/